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Head of the REGEN Program and SCaT Laboratory


Sophie Lelièvre, Ph.D., D.V.M., LL.M.P.H.

SCaT Team members

  • Joséphine Briand, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher : Epigenetics and prevention
  • Dima Ghannoum, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher : Project Patients-Derived Tumors-On-Chip
  • Léandre Charrier, BTS biology, Technician

Associated researchers and clinicians


Members of the REGEN Task Forces

Risk Stratification & Reduction-RisRED:  Martine Bellanger, PhD, Professor Emerita (EHESP), Head of the department of health promotion and prevention (DPSP), ICO Mario Campone, MD, PhD, ICO Director Pierre-François Cartron, PhD, INSERM, ICO Joseph Rispoli, PhD, Associate Professor, Purdue University, IN, USA Rabih Talhouk, PhD, Professor, American University of Beirut, Lebanon Mary Beth Terry, PhD, Professor, University of Columbia NY, USA Babak Ziaie, PhD, Professor, Purdue University, IN, USA

Nutrition for Risk Mitigation- NutRIM : Arun Bhunia, Professor, Purdue University, IN, USA Sidonie Lavergne, PhD, DVM, Director of Translational Research, ICO Farah Naja, PhD, Associate Professor, Sharjah University, AUE and an adjunct faculty at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon Damien Vansteene, MD, Medical Oncology Unit, ICO

Medicinal Compounds for the Epigenome-MedCOE : Jean-Marie Bard, PhD, Professor Nantes University, Dir. Biomarkers of metabolism and cancer (Nacr Network) and ICO Christine Bobin-Dubigeon, PharmD, Assistant Professor, Nantes University and ICO Pascal Jézéquel, PhD, Director of the Omics and Data Science Unit, ICO Sidonie Lavergne, DVM, PhD, Director of Translational Research, ICO Catherine Marion, Engineer (Chemistry), Group leader, Green Science, Formulation, l’Oréal, France Lie-Fen Shyur, PhD, Professor, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Pierre-Alexandre Vidi, PhD, adjunct Associate Professor (Wake Forest University, USA); Head InGeNo Unit, ICO

Community Capacity Building to Tame Risk-CCabTAR : Martine Bellanger, PhD, Professor Emerita (EHESP); Head of the department of health promotion and prevention (DPSP), ICO Nora Artagaveytia, PhD, MD, Adjunct Professor, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay Sandy Laham, MPH, Project Coordinator, Health Promotion and Prevention Department, ICO Baptiste Sauterey, MD, Medical Oncology Unit, ICO Parisa Tehranifar, PhD, Associate Professor, Columbia University, NY, USA Beatrice Wiafe-Addai, PhD, MD, CEO Peace and Love Hospitals; President & Founder, Breast Care International, Ghana